Contraception Services

Contraceptive advice is available by making a normal appointment with any of the doctors. Pupils can get advice from the school nurse and a full range of services is provided by family planning clinics (see below).

Family Planning clinics are held in Carlisle:

Solway Clinic

Hilltop Heights

London Road



Tel: 01228 608989

Appointments can be made by calling the number above.

Age 15 and under can attend at any time but it is advisable to call first.

Further information on the different methods of contraception is available by visiting the website and clicking on ‘Factsheets'.

Brampton Medical Practice can provide a full range of contraceptive services, including intrauterine devices, contraceptive injections, emergency contraception, implants and vasectomies. We can advise and refer patients to hospital for female sterilisation.

Intrauterine devices and implants: if you have chosen to have one of these methods it would be helpful if you could mention this when you make you appointment so that you are seen by the appropriate doctor and nurse.

Free condoms for people aged 20 and under: see your doctor, practice nurse or school nurse for a condom card which you can use to obtain free condoms from the Brampton dispensary.

family planning

Mirena Coil update- August 2024

Changes to the license of Mirena Coil update – added August 2024

There has been a change to the licence of mirena coils if used for contraception, and it has now been approved to extend the use of the device from five years to eight years. For patients that use the mirena coil for contraception purposes only, this means that your coil can now be left in for eight years, and your coil refit date may be extended.  

All patients affected by this change will be contacted by the practice to check what purpose their mirena coil is currently being used for and to understand if they would like their refit date amending in line with the updated guidance. Patients will be contacted in order of refit date, starting with those due soon. 

Mirena coils can now be used for the following durations depending on the purpose it is being used for: 


New guidance 

For contraception 

Eight years (changed from five years) 

For heavy bleeding only 

Five to eight years depending on bleeding patterns 

For HRT 

Five years (no change) 

Patients aged 45+ years when fitted 

Can be used until aged 55 if bleeding is controlled  

If a patient is using the mirena coil for HRT purposes, guidance remains the same and it should be replaced after five years of use.   

Further information on this change can be found on the Faculty of Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare website click here

Patients with any queries about this are encouraged to contact the practice to speak to a GP or Pharmacist.