Practice News

15th Oct

getUBetter MSK app

Do you have a joint or muscle problem?

Please use the FREE local getUBetter app approved by your clinicians in North Cumbria Integrated Care.

It is provided alongside your NHS care and offers local tips, advice, and exercises tailored to you and your stage of recovery.

• Instant access • Easy to use • Safe and effective

Your healthcare professionals cannot be with you 24/7, but getUBetter can.

What are the next steps?

  1. Download the getUBetter app 
  2. Create your account Enter your postcode, select your GP practice, and enter your details to create your account.
  3. Choose your condition Select your condition and follow your personalised and targeted recovery pathway
  4. If you need further help getting started, watch our videos or get in touch with one of our team:
13th Aug

When should I get my flu vaccine?

Who should have a flu vaccine? Flu vaccination is recommended for those who are most at risk of serious complications if they get flu. For adults this includes everyone aged 65 years and over, pregnant women, and those with certain long-term health conditions. Flu can be a serious illness in these people and the vaccine offers the best protection.

Why do I have to wait until October for my flu vaccine? This year most eligible adults will be offered a flu vaccine from early October, which might be slightly later than in previous years. This is because the latest scientific evidence shows that protection from the flu vaccine decreases over time in adults. It is therefore better to have the vaccine closer to when flu typically circulates.

When should pregnant women get vaccinated? Pregnant women should have the vaccine from September. This is because the protection from the vaccine is passed through the placenta to the baby, giving the baby protection for the first few months of life when they are particularly at risk from flu. Therefore pregnant women shouldn’t delay vaccination, especially those who are heavily pregnant, as babies born during the flu season need to be protected against flu as well the pregnant woman herself.

When should children get vaccinated? Vaccination for children who are offered a flu vaccine on the NHS will also start from September because their protection from the vaccine doesn’t decrease as quickly as it does in adults

Are there any other exceptions? There will be a very small number of people who need to be vaccinated earlier than October. For instance, if someone is about to start chemotherapy in October, it is better for them to have the vaccine before they start their treatment. This is because they will respond better to the vaccine before their immune system becomes weaker. You should speak to your GP if you think you need to have the vaccine earlier than October and they will decide whether it is appropriate.

When do I need to get my vaccination by? Flu typically starts to circulate in December so it’s best you get the vaccine by the end of November as it takes up to 14 days to work. But even if it’s later than November, it is still worth asking whether you can have a flu vaccine.

What should I do now? For eligible adults, ask your GP practice or a pharmacy that offers NHS flu vaccination when you can book an appointment. You should be able to do this ahead of time. If you are pregnant, you can also ask your midwife.

Where can I get further information? Speak to your GP, practice nurse, pharmacist, or if you are pregnant, your midwife. Visit: Flu vaccine - NHS ( 


18th Dec 2023

Primary Care Careers in North Cumbria

Passionate about finding a career that helps others, but not sure, what might be right for you?

This programme will help you get a better understanding of different careers on offer to you in the world of health and care. Exploring the world of primary care - the gateway to most health and care services - you will explore key careers available, and participate in a series of activities, quizzes, and webinars to bring you closer than ever to a career in care.

This programme is open to anyone aged 13+, up to 7 hours’ worth of content, complete at a pace that suits you and receive a certificate on completion which can enhance your applications for jobs, apprenticeships and UCAS personal statement.


For more information click here Primary Care Careers in North Cumbria ( 

13th Sep 2023

Annual Reviews

All patients with a chronic disease are required to have an annual review. The purpose of the review is to ensure patients are taking the right medication and their condition is being managed. You will normally be invited for review around your birthday month. 

If you have one of the following conditions – Diabetes, Hypertension, Heart Disease, Heart Failure, Peripheral Arterial Disease, Atrial Fibrillation, Stroke, CVA (cerebral vascular accident), TIA (Transient ischaemic attack) or Chronic Kidney Disease - you will be asked about your current health & lifestyle; we will take blood samples and check your blood pressure, pulse rate, height and weight.

Patients with Respiratory conditions such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease & Asthma should bring any inhalers they use with them to their appointment. A breathing test known as a peak flow test may be carried out.  Blood tests are not required.

Patients with Autism will be asked about their health, wellbeing & lifestyle. Physical checks will include height, weight, blood pressure and pulse rate.

Patients with a Learning Disability will be asked about their health, wellbeing & lifestyle. Physical checks will include blood tests, height, weight, blood pressure and pulse rate.

Invites to annual reviews will be sent via text to those with a mobile number and by letter to those without.  If you do not attend following the initial invite a second invitation will be sent.